Open Kodi and navigate to the video file you want to watch.xbmc, depending on which one you have used) > userdata and then paste the PlayerFactor圜ore.xml file into this folder. Copy the PlayerFactor圜ore.xml file and navigate to Android > Data and look for either or depending on which streamer you use.Here you should find the PlayerFactor圜ore.xml file you downloaded earlier if not, navigate to where your downloaded files are saved.Once done, go into ES File Explorer again and open the Downloads folder.

Next, make sure your Kodi or XBMC media center is connected to the Kodi app.Open ES File Explorer, then open Settings > Display settings, and make sure Show hidden files is ticked.Download ES File Explorer, Kodi, LocalCast, and XML file PlayerFactor圜ore.There are two ways you can stream content to Chromecast from your Kodi-connected Android device: the long yet power-friendly way or the quick, but battery-intensive, route.
Although it was originally created for the Microsoft Xbox and called Xbox Media Center (XBMC), the software has continued to evolve – spawning a community of its own. Kodi is open-source software designed specifically with home entertainment in mind – and it is totally free.

In short, if the content is free, but looks too good to be true, then it probably is. Please note that many addons contain content that is not officially licensed and accessing such content could be illegal. However, a Chromecast can also be installed with Kodi, one of the best bits of streaming software you can get. They give you access to a range of apps such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and more – all for a relatively low cost.